Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Kayak Trolley

For many years I regarded kayak trolleys as the preserve of the middled aged, inferm and/or gadget junky. Perhaps that would have remained the case if I hadn't been given the opportunity to try one out for myself. For those that may want to invest I would wholeheartedly recommend this trolley which can be obtained from Freya Hoffmeister

The features include:
• saltwater resistant V4a-Steel
• compact package of the frame
• "0pen-the-bag-and-pop-up" – construction
• all in one piece, no loose parts
• integrated straps to secure the kayak
• big wheels good rolling even on sand

Having done some reserch on the matter, I've discovered that there are plenty of options with regards to load carrying devices. I've even seen an Italian made trolley made from marine plywood that converts into a seat!

Freya's trolley engenders such praise from user groups because its a solid build and yet simple to use. The frame collapses easily and can be stowed on the deck, in the cockpit or in a hatch within a sturdy nylon carry case. When in use, it actually lifts the kayak a reasonable distance of the ground so if you on an incline the stern doesn't get bumped on the ground. Some paddlers may find the wheel size an issue but, as the pictures indicate, most modern boats that have oval, large circular or lid hatches for storage shouldn't be a problem. Everyone else will have to use their initiative.

Since I've begun to use it on a regular basis, especially on those days when you finish at low tide, its been a real boon to both my back and my knees. Which is a good thing considering all the abuse my body has endured over the years.

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